Motor Winding Cleaner is a clear water white safety solvent specifically formulated for the cleaning of electrical motors and windings. It helps in cleaning of electrical equipment and components, particularly motors, windings or armatures
- Cleans effectively by dissolving grease and carbonised soils.
- Safe to use on the varnished windings,
- Not highly flammable
- Has low toxicity even when used for extended periods of time.
- Does not evaporate so quickly, hence not very expensive to use.
- Easily dried out by baking and leaves no oily deposits once it is dry.
- It has a flash point higher than 80 degrees Centigrade thus reducing
- considerably the danger of fire when compared to petrol or benzene.
- It can be used as a dip in a tank for soak cleaning of armatures, windings and other components or by spraying, brushing or wiping.